Monday, July 20, 2009


I have made plenty of mistakes in my life. I don't think there is really anyone who can say they have never made a single mistake, big or small. The thing about mistakes is that they really come in all shapes and sizes. Some mistakes you know you are going to make before you make them and some mistake you really don't realize how big they are until after the damage is done. Sometimes it takes time for the consequences to really hit. Some people just hide it and move on. I think the best thing to do is learn from it and grow stronger.

I made a mistake that has involved a lot of people that I love. It lives with me everyday. I, instead of hoping it will just disappear, have taken the step to look into it and hope that I can learn from it. I don't want to ever make a mistake like this again, as I may have potentially lost the person I love. You can't take back certain actions and behaviors, but you can promise to never do them again knowing that the way you feel after is something you do not want to have back. My mom always said to me that she knew when I was up to no good and doing something wrong, but instead of stopping me, she let me go hoping I'd be smart enough to learn for myself. I thank her for that. If you never do things for yourself and always have people telling you what to do, you'll never really know the real you. What you do in life and the decisions you make help you to be the person you are. Everything is an experience that adds character and knowledge into your life.

Sometimes you need to look at mistakes in this positive light. Nobody is perfect. I know I say the wrong things, act the wrong way, and do the wrong things sometimes. Who doesn't? The only thing to do is try and do what's right. If you get knocked down, at least you know that you tried and it can only make you stronger for next time. I'm not going to say it doesn't hurt, but what in life isn't complicated.

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